Tanaz Assefi Artist - My Blog

The Journey of Being More Present

My boldest and most beautiful realisation of 2023 was getting to know about Body-Based Therapy. Initially in the form of Myofascial Release and then The Rosen Method.

At the tender age of 50, I came to realise that I really don’t live fully in my body, instead, I live in my head even though my body is the reality of my life, holding and counting every emotion, every memory and the knowing that the mind dismisses.

Paying attention to my body is bringing me back to me bit by bit like no other therapy I have experienced before.

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Tanaz Assefi
Intuition, Courage and Creativity

In December 2022 I was invited by visual artist and curator Annette Fernando to be part of an impressive project. She had been offered the chance to take over The Pop Up Shop at Earls Court for the month of January and she very generously decided to share the space and opportunity with 41 other artists and friends.

Her idea was that each day two artists would take over the Pop Up Shop and work, sell and engage with the local community as they wished. It seemed so exciting to me and I said YES immediately. She suggested that we could also run evening and weekend workshops and talks. I jumped at the idea! I asked her if could I talk about what is happening in Iran using the Iranian dolls. She beamed and said YES!

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Tanaz Assefi Comment
The Unheard Voices of Iranian Women

I’m sure you have heard and read about what is going on with Iran and the women of Iran at this moment in time. It has been a huge emotional rollercoaster for me.

A friend from Iran sent me handmade dolls (initially to sell over Christmas) but they got to me after the whole Mahsa Amini protests started. Receiving them made a huge impact on me. They are each very unique, 100% handmade and homemade out of offcuts and revived from grandmother's memories.

The art and craft of doll-making seems to be dying out.

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Tanaz Assefi
My interview with Mental Health Warriors TV

I was invited to be interviewed by Dorota Chioma from Mental Health Warriors TV at the beginning of January. I know Dorota well as she used to be a participant in my MumsAid: The art of Self Expression Workshops. Please tune in and have a listen to this open conversation about art, mental health, motherhood, the process of creativity, the workshops I run for MumsAid and much more.

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International Women’s Day and The Art of Self Expression Workshop, Toronto, Cananda

I was utterly humbled to be invited by my seventeen-year-old niece to run a workshop as part of the SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) programme for Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School in Toronto Canada. Together they had created a programme to celebrate International Women’s Day to empower females.

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The Handmaid's Tale and it's Parallels with Iran

Last night I watched the last episode of series three of The Handmaid’s Tale. It has stirred up so many bitter emotions, memories and has pushed my brain to think really hard. A perfect remedy for my struggling mind during this third lockdown! Margaret Atwood has a fascinating mind. She is sharp, clever, observant, sarcastic, funny yet very tender. Her attention to detail with regard to the female self-talk (the internal dialogue) is just so beautiful, raw and real.

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For Navid Afkari 1992-2020

Navid means Glad tidings /A fortunate promise. His mother gave him this name twenty seven years ago. He grew up in the suburbs of Shiraz to become an athlete a wrestler and to bear the Iranian flag with pride to bring home Olympic medals. He was Javanmard and Pahlavan (Athlete, a strong man who does good for the community).
Where is he now?
He has been executed and buried in silence in the middle of the night by the brutal regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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A book to Read Over and Over: The Rumi Prescription by Melody Moezzi

Melody writes about the true unconditional love her father has for her which has helped her access the true wisdom and essence of Rumi. How we can use this ancient wisdom which is embedded in our roots to help us understand ourselves better so we can deal with what our fast and modern lives throw at us more effectively.

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#artypoetry - the Union of Art and Poetry

#artpoetry is a collaboration between painter Furrah Syed and poets. She sends one of her abstract paintings to a poet who then writes a poem based on what she/he feels about the painting. The poet then sends a poem back to Furrah to paint what it makes her feel. Finally, the two pieces of work are posted together on social media and Furrah's website.

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